Victoria Adams & Gwynn Murrill

Gallery Walk March 9th • 5-8 pm


Victoria Adams’ recent body of work includes both her large-scale landscapes and small intimate jewel like paintings of oil on linen.  Featuring her signature interest in sky, weather, and watery reflections, Adams’ focal point is the inherent radiance of light found in nature. She often highlights the transforming effects of light filtered through clouds falling on the land and water below.  In her masterful hands, light reflected from sky to water and back again forms a subtle interchange between evaporating wetness and the atmospheric qualities of air itself.  Adams creates images that connect us with our own past experiences of place and more often than not evoke personal moments of stillness and meaning. Adams’ landscapes are found in Museums and private collections through out the country.


Gwynn Murrill’s internationally recognized sculptures in primal forms, are reminiscent of ancient sculptures, but made from bronze, wood, or aluminum. Her creatures prowl stealthily or gaze back at us with haunting expressions. Some animals are serene and wise, others are slick and sensual, and some burst with energy.

